Bump in the night...
The sounds you hear at night in a home can be really quite unnerving. A furnace turning on… The hum of a ceiling fan… Refrigerators running with ice makers settling… Sinks dripping… … and Little Lady throwing heavy objects from her crib! Really this has become a nightly occurrence Wife and I will be downstairs and both our eyes will shoot to the ceiling at the sound of a loud THUMP from upstairs. “Could her bottle make... [read more]
Patriotic Zombie Cafe
I am definitely a geek… but no, I am not really a gamer. When we were little, my older brother and I had a Nintendo (NES). And other than that one time I got in big trouble for pinching him because I felt it should be my turn, I was mostly content watching him play through levels. Breaking blocks and stomping Koopas, slashing swords in Astynax, jumping through an almost 3D course in Q*bert, feeding weird... [read more]
Alan Shepard: My first look-a-like in space
Just received a letter (yes a real letter) in the mail that had a paragraph that read as follows: I was looking at my Alan Sheppard stamps and realized there is an incredible resemblance there to you. No… I thought. My correspondance and I have not exactly spent a lot of time in each other’s company, so he must be mistaken. Bam! There it was… sure enough. I gave it to Wife to check out... [read more]
Operate Forward
Today I had a guest post published on CDR Sean Heritage’s blog… Right then, right there, with keystrokes and mouse clicks, our CNO exercised the second of his three tenets, **Operate Forward**. Operating forward simply means that we and our actions are deliberately taken to the target, whether friendly or not. And in a world that becomes digitally connected with one another more and more every day, our lives, for better or worse, are increasingly... [read more]
I make up words
I am a HUGE fan of made up words. Well… I guess a more accurate statement would be I am never afraid to use a word that may not actually be a word according to Webster if I feel that it gets across my point. One of my favorite made up words is: efficinize **efficinize definition** ef·fi·ci·nize _verb_ \i-ˈfi-shi-ˌnīz\ definition: to be productive of desired effects usage: I will efficinize our processes so that we can create... [read more]
Wordpress: Fixing old addresses when modifying permalinks
With all the recent changes in this site I’ve been spending a lot of time learning about and digging around in .htaccess files. There is a lot of really neat things you can do in that file. The one thing I wanted to share this evening was how to fix your old addresses if you update your permalinks in Wordpress. What Wordpress updates on its own is a little bit of a mystery to me.... [read more]
Crypie Humor: Office Window Rain
Sure has been a LOT of rain in San Antonio the last few days! It doesn’t rain very often here… but when it does… it pours, it floods, it gets muddy, it is nasty! I think the mud is the worst part of the rain. We have a decent size back yard. We do not have a decent amount of grass. When the rain comes, Wife and I dread letting the dogs out into the... [read more]
GravityLight: lighting for developing countries
No denying it… this is really cool. The inventors and engineers of GravityLight went about developing a lighting solution for Africa. What they came up with seems to me, pretty revolutionary. I won’t waste your time trying to capture its essence in my words… watch the video and see for yourself. Wife and I just became the 5,500 contributor to this campaign by contributing at the “Kilowatt’s Next?” level of $50.00. KILOWATT'S NEXT? This new perk sponsors... [read more]
2012 National Geographic Photo Contest
(via http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2013/01/2012_national_geographic_photo.html) The Big Picture always posts some amazing pictures and I highly highly recommend that you subscribe to their feed. Today (actually two days from now if you look carefully at their dates on their blog posts… 09 January while today is 07 January… but that is besides the point of this post…) the Big Picture posted winning photos from the 2012 National Geographic Photography Contest. These are amazing. Take some time at their site,... [read more]
Cast On: Why this dude is knitting
Holy PURLING, Batman! Knitting is so addictive! Just one more row... ok, for realsies this time, just one more row... sheesh my hands are aching... One of my New Year’s resolutions was to learn how to knit and then knit something cool like an American Flag. You might be asking yourself why on earth would I, a dude, want to knit? Well the answer is really quite simple… it is one of the same reasons... [read more]