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Jason Pawlak

Me and my Internet

Husband, Dad, Navy Officer, Coder, and Tinkerer. I have many interests and am always looking to learn something new. This site is a launching point to the many areas of the Internet that represent me.

  1. Ted | Amanda Palmer: The art of asking

    Making it through my Instapaper queue and came across a recent tweet that I had saved. I like Ted Talks.  They are typically personal and relatable.  Some person’s wisdom from experiences brought to the masses through story in a concise and well produced video. In this video, Amanda Palmer (a name that was previously unknown to me) talks about her struggle to fund her dream of making music full time.  Through this struggle, she learns... [read more]

  2. Goodbye Friend

    Saying goodbye to a pet is of course very difficult.  I have not been able to spend much time with Maggie over the last few years due to being away from Cincinnati.  She lived with my parents. We got her right before my Senior year in High School.  She was a puppy full of life that struggled with authority.  For a while we weren’t sure whether we were going to be able to keep her... [read more]

  3. iOS: HTML Playground

    What is geekier than coding your own iPhone and iPad app?  How about coding your own coding app for iPhone and iPad? Yup, it has been done! Let me introduce you to…. HTML Playground! AppStore: PawApps: I battled the Apple AppStore approval process on this one for a little bit, but it finally made it last night and has been having a great first day out in the wild. Here is a quick blurb: HTML... [read more]

  4. Undecided War

    Currently reading “Six Frigates” by Ian W. Toll. Found this passage and believe it is worth repeating. Recalling the [War of 1812] debates, [James Madison] admitted that "it has become impossible to avoid or even delay war," even though "we were not prepared for it." It has been necessary to take the fateful plunge because "it was certain that effective preparations would not take place, whilst the question of war was undecided." You never quite... [read more]

  5. Hypocrisy for Good

    While catching up on my blogroll I came across this post which was full of great wisdom.  I will only share one of the bits of wisdom in this post, maybe I’ll come back at a later date and share some of the others. Sometimes hypocrisy is a necessary evil. This is only a portion of #14 in the article, but felt it was worth sharing beyond the context given. So many times at work,... [read more]

  6. Jolie the quirky dog

    I love Jolie.  I really do… but she is one weird pup. We have had Jolie for about as long as we have had Little Lady.  On the tail end of a jog about 16 months ago, Wife and I found four pups and a momma dog wandering the neighborhood.  For those that have spent any time in San Antonio, you know that this is not unusual.  There are all sorts of stray animals that... [read more]

  7. Joke: Old Married Couple

    I normally post original content on my blog.  But I read this and it was just too good not to share :-) [![married-couple-old](/assets/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/married-couple-old-290x300.jpeg)](/assets/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/married-couple-old.jpeg) An old married couple no sooner hit the pillows when the old man passes gas and says, 'Seven Points.' His wife rolls over and says, 'What in the world was that?' The old man replied, 'its fart football.' A few minutes later his wife lets one go and says, 'Touchdown, tie score...'... [read more]

  8. Haircuts

    (image from…) Haircuts in my life are one of those necessary evils… just like eating.  I would much rather spend my time doing something else because give it a little time… and we are right back to where we were previously… hungry and shaggy. Being a Sailor brings with it the need for a lot of haircuts. Before ever joining the Navy, Wife (then Girlfriend) agreed to start cutting my hair.  Seemed like a good... [read more]

  9. iPhone/iPad Tutorial: Disable home button and touch

    Intro: ! ! Attention all parents that let their kids use an iPhone or iPad ! ! This… is… amazing… Did you know that you can very simply disable the home button and touch on the screen?  I did not, but now I know. This has been one of my huge annoyances with video chatting using FaceTime or Skype.  Little Lady means no harm, but just enjoys pushing all the buttons she sees both on the screen... [read more]

  10. Car Seat Conundrum (comic)

    Little Lady must have studied up on this comic.  She is definitely an accomplished Twister and Rod.  She practices the Noodle when she’s asleep, but she’s still pretty manageable.  As for the Slow Poke… all in good time I am sure… (via Single Dad Laughing) [read more]