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Jason Pawlak

Me and my Internet

Husband, Dad, Navy Officer, Coder, and Tinkerer. I have many interests and am always looking to learn something new. This site is a launching point to the many areas of the Internet that represent me.

  1. Prep for the ASTB (OAR)

    ** EDIT ** For information warfare, you must take all six sections of the ASTB ** END ** Next Friday, December 7th, I will be travelling up to Columbus to take the Aviation Selection Test Batter (ASTB). More specifically I will be taking the Officer Apptitude Rating (OAR), which I will discuss in a little bit. First off let me just provide a few background links: [The ASTB on Wikipedia]( [AirWarriors ASTB Study Guide Gouge]( [read more]

  2. The results are in!

    Thanks to everyone who helped me out with testing their reaction time. Take a look at the results Total trials: 867 male trials: 469 female trials: 398 male median: 312 female median: 365.5 After data analysis, I have found that if using the median, there is no statistical significant difference between males and female reaction times. If using the mean, the opposite is true, there is a statistical significant difference between male and female reaction... [read more]

  3. Happy Thanksgiving!

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I ran the 98th Annual Thanksgiving Day Race (10K/6.2miles) here in Cincinnati this morning. It just below 40 degrees with 15 mph winds… and some mist. Not optimum running conditions, hah. This was also the first race I’ve done when its been cold. I am very happy with my results though. My goal was to get under an hour and I ended up with 59 minutes and 59 seconds! Close, eh? This... [read more]

  4. Let’s talk BDCP

    So I have decided there needs to be a little mini-series here in this blog regarding my adventure through the BDCP process. First off let me just throw this link out there if you want to read all the fine print details. I would like to make this mini-series more about my process through the BDCP. Let me begin by saying that I am not completely at the beginning of the process, however, I don’t... [read more]

  5. Test your reaction time!

    Hey everyone, school has been kinda hectic lately. My latest project for my technical writing class is to conduct an experiment of some sort. I decided to see who has a better reaction time, guys or gals. What do you think? I have built a web application located at that I would love for you to try out. It is very easy, select your gender, click the button and wait for the screen to... [read more]

  6. Navy BDCP

    This post deserves a slight header. I know it is long, but I really appreciate those that will take the time to read through this. Any thoughts/comments/concerns would be greatly appreciated. Just over a year ago I was at the engineering career fair when I introduced myself to Paul, a recruiter for the United States Navy. I have always had an interest in the mysteries of life. Watching some magician on TV, or seeing some... [read more]

  7. Crazy Daylight Saving Time

    I walk into church this morning at 11:10am, right when the second service starts. The guest preacher is already starting to give his disclaimer about children in the service (because we’re in our sex series). “Weird, they must’ve gotten a head start on the service…” I think. I find a seat and start listening. About halfway through the sermon, the preacher is talking about how men can make any comment a sexual comment… For example…... [read more]

  8. Free Blockbuster Movie/Popcorn/Coke Coupon!

    E D I T * * * * Sorry folks… apparently the coupon is just a hoax… I have removed the link. If you ever do find anything like this though, make sure you let me know! :-) Hey everyone, My mom forwarded me this coupon and I thought I would share with you all. This is actually a pretty sweet coupon for blockbuster. In it you get… - 2 Free Movie Rentals - 1... [read more]

  9. Let’s go to the Cincinnati Symphony

    Hello Friends, As most of you know, I am a huge classical music fan. I’m the type of person that will clap easily at a baseball game when the Reds hit a homerun, but will stand and cheer wildly after an outstanding rendition of Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring. I have gone through the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra’s rep for the 2007/08 season and picked out a number of concerts that I consider must hears. If anyone... [read more]

  10. I live in one big free garage sale

    I live in a nasty crime infested dirty neighborhood. Yes, I live in Clifton. Now the area I live in does have a good number of college kids, but there is an extremely large ‘local’ population. And the local population tends to be low income families. Walking to and from class I have noticed something. These locals seem to throw out an extremely large amount of furniture. Yeah, furniture. I’m talking everything from mattresses to... [read more]