This I Believe - What is the Value of a Human Life?
I always enjoy listening to the This I Believe podcasts. Today’s was an especially thought provoking episode. In it, Washington attorney Kenneth Feinberg talks about his job past and present of putting a value on a human life. After September 11th, his daunting task was to give a ‘fair’ monetary coverage to the families of those who’s lives were lost. Click the triangle to listen For the full story, please visit this episodes NPR site.... [read more]
They believed they could fly...
I love watching these America’s funniest home video-esque videos. What is it about human nature that loves to watch people like this? I found this while searching for a way to embed a “this i believe” podcast which will follow shortly… but for now, enjoy: [read more]
Watsonville Fly-in and Air show
I went to the Watsonville Fly-in and Air show this past Saturday and had a great time. I wasn’t really dressed for the weather though. I was wearing shorts and t-shirt with a hooded sweatshirt, but I kind of sat and shivered for the entire time I was there. I still managed to sun burn my nose and knees though, even though it was chilly, windy and cloudy. I loved watching the air show though.... [read more]
I get a Dilbert comic in my email every morning, which I probably have discussed here before. This morning’s was genius. It shows that engineers think a little different… logical thinkers. We might argue a point that is no where near reality… just because we have thought up a way to do it. And now, Dilbert… [read more]
Goldfish, the new soap!
Have you heard? Apparently, a goldfish (yes, your child time pet that eventually ended up swimming through the sewers) is the new soap. According to recent and credible studies, using a goldfish for hand and body soap can kill up to 175% more germs than any leading off-the-shelf soap! Also noted, was that during a hidden smell panel, the scent of a man using a goldfish as soap was selected as ‘better smelling’ over off-the-shelf... [read more]
Wordpress Auto Update
I have had this WordPress blog for a good little while now and everything has been going just fine. Late last night I decided that it was time for another face-lift. I don’t know what you think, but the greens were starting to look a little dated. I found this template that you see now, and I think its ok. Nothing really all too special, but it works well. This is the first time that... [read more]
What to do with my Summer?
I picked up the local Silicon Valley entertainment/weekend newspaper to see what all goes on around here on the weekends. I thought it would be nice to maybe go out and here some live music. While browsing the pages, I came across a small ad with a biplane to catch my attention. This weekend (Memorial Day weekend) there is an airshow! With my huge infatuation with planes, I don’t remember ever really going to an... [read more]
BDCP Application... take 2
And…. ACTION! Yup, I’ve decided it is time to start putting things together to submit my BDCP application again. As you might know, I was in January boards for Information Warfare, but was non-select. For the past month and a half I have been living the good life out in Silicon Valley working for Apple Corp. When I was first offered this job, it was not long after I found out I was non-select, and I... [read more]
I have a plane ticket
I just purchased a plane ticket to take me back home to Cincinnati over the 4th of July weekend! Mason fireworks on the 3rd night are definitely on the agenda. [read more]
Updated homepage... again!
I have updated my homepage yet again… so check it out(and as pre-notice: the URL for all this fun will probably be changing again soon) [read more]