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Jason Pawlak

Me and my Internet

Husband, Dad, Navy Officer, Coder, and Tinkerer. I have many interests and am always looking to learn something new. This site is a launching point to the many areas of the Internet that represent me.

  1. When Office Supplies Attack

    So I was sitting in my cube today waiting for something to compile and kinda just playing with a staple remover.  I had a piece of paper and was acting like the staple remover was alive and biting through the piece of paper.  It was cool to watch it initially go through the paper.  Then I had this piece of plastic laying around and let the staple remover sink its teeth into that. It was... [read more]

  2. Protocol Unity

    One of the concepts I like most about using Apple products is the unity of information.  With the use of Apple products as an almost choice of lifestyle, keeping information in sync is very very simple.  I don’t think Apple has an official motto of “It just works” but I find myself thinking that a lot while at both work and home. When I first converted from Windows XP to OS X Leopard, I had... [read more]

  3. The best sort of payday

    I have decided that people might work a little harder in the workplace if they were paid a little differently. What if, every pay day, let’s just say every other week, you were working at your desk, and the administrative assistant came around and set down a good size stack of 20’s. Yearly salary: $60,000 Weekly salary: $1,153.85 Paycheck: $2,307.70 If you are getting paid in 20-dollar bills, that is 115 20-dollar bills that are... [read more]

  4. Charlie bit my finger and more

    So I haven’t done a YouTube post in a while. Here are some of my favorite videos that I have come across lately. My most favorite of recent is the last video, check it out! [read more]

  5. Dell includes 'safety' cords

    Dell has lots of safety cords attached to their machines.  They realize that using any form of Windows, some people may have the urge to throw their computer off their desk, or even worse, out a window.  Dell has thought of this, and made this act very difficult to accomplish. Way to go there…. err… Dell…. errrrr….. [read more]

  6. A little bit about Sneezing

    You might find this a little bit strange, but I love sneezing.  It is such a relaxing action.  Sure the actual event of a sneeze is quite violent, but the after… peaceful. According to a little bit of research, sneezing occurs mostly due to “foreign particles or sufficient external stimulants passing through the nasal hairs to reach the nasal mucosa” (wiki).  These triggers can be “sudden exposure to bright light, a particularly full stomach, or... [read more]

  7. Where Computers are Headed Next

    The world of computers is always changing, as it should be.  We all know that things are moving more towards a hands… or rather… fingers on approach with Windows 7 and products such as the iPhone.  Multi-touch technology has a lot of potential.  Get rid of the mostly unmodifiable hardware such as a keyboard and mouse for a dynamically changing interface on a screen.  This move makes sense.  But where are we going in the... [read more]

  8. SeeqPod

    I first discovered SeeqPod when I bought my iPhone and was browsing through iPhone web apps.  Basically SeeqPod is a free website that provides a search for media.  The site for your computer is flash based and is amazing.  You can search and find nearly any song, create playlists, save your playlists, share the music, and even see the links to the files where the music can be… ehem… played individually. I buy all my... [read more]

  9. Exploring Mars

    After watching NASA TV for the Phoenix landing, I have been doing my best to keep up on the news and announcements relating to the quest for ice on mars.  I’ve read headlines that say ice confirmed on Mars, but I have also read the headlines that say ice strongly suspected to be found.  From what I gather it sounds like they have found what they are about 99% sure is ice in saying that... [read more]

  10. Sneezing Panda Surprise!

    Just watch the video… No explanation needed :-) [read more]