White Death Fail
Fail! For those keeping up, I wrote last night about my 1996 Honda Civic which has over 250K miles on it not starting. Well I am happy to report that the fail in this post is not the car’s fault. It is quite the opposite, really. The car gave me hope, showed me that sometimes you just need a little loving. But let’s start back at the beginning… 7:15am Making my way outside, determination fills... [read more]
The Strangest Car Troubles
Just so you know… I have the strangest car troubles right now. This has been going on for a few weeks now. I am pretty sure it has to do with the cold weather, but not completely sure. I have a 1996 Honda Civic with over 250K miles on it. Great car, I love it. But lately the battery (as far as I can tell) is going all funky monkey on me. The skinny of... [read more]
Would we be smarter in a warmer climate?
Have you ever noticed that weather causes a specific ambiance of noise? I’m not talking about the sound of raindrops on roses. Nor am I talking about wind rustling leaves on a tree. I am talking about the atmosphere created by weather. Imagine a morning not unlike this morning here in Cincinnati. A soft layer of snow covered the ground as I walked to class while the temperature hung right around 16 ºF. A bit... [read more]
Marley & Me
Dear Readers, This post contains what you might consider spoilers for the movie Marley & Me. If you have not seen the movie and do not wish to know anything about it, I highly recommend you go see it, and then come back and read my post! Jason … for everyone else… So you’ve either seen Marley & Me or you don’t care about a spoiler… I admit it, I cry during some movies. I... [read more]
ReRoute v0.0.2 has been released
I typically won’t make an announcement on my blog every minor release (0.0.X). I will most likely make an announcement for at least each moderate release (0.X.0). I will for sure make an announcement for each major release (X.0.0). You can download the latest and greatest ReRoute files. If you are installing for the first time, make sure you run the setup.php script. If you are updating from a previous version, make sure you run... [read more]
Introducing ReRoute v0.0.1
I am pleased to announce the initial release of ReRoute v0.0.1! I have been working on this application for a few weeks now, and it is at the point where I wanted to have its initial release. So what is ReRoute you are asking? ReRoute is an application that creates a URL on your own domain (such as pwlk.net) such that when someone directs their browser to the newly created URL, it reroutes them to... [read more]
Avoiding Black holes on the Internet
I am a big fan of avoiding black holes. Unless it results in time travel… well, controllable time travel. It sure would not be fun to get sent well into the past only to be placed underneath a dinosaur’s foot. That would not be cool. Or rather, I guess black holes are suppose to send you to the future, yeah? You go super fast, making your time travel slower than everything else? Interesting thought (and... [read more]
Wisdom teeth funnies
Yesterday, January 2nd, morning I got my five wisdom teeth taken out. That’s right, I had five. On the left side of my mouth I had an extra, I can’t remember if it was on the top or the bottom though. It was the first time I was put on general anesthesia. Apparently I really enjoy the sensation :-) This is the story, retold from my Mom telling me. Before going to the surgeon, I... [read more]
I made my own WordPress theme
I finally started taking care of what was long overdue. I started making myself a WordPress (the application I use for this blog) theme. For a long time I had been wanting to make my blog look like it was actually a part of my site (with the look and feel of things) and I think I have rather successfully put together an ok first draft. There are a few things that need to be... [read more]
I Like Facebook Ads
So many people complain about online advertising. It gets in the way, it is overbearing, it is irrelevant, it never leads to ‘valid’ websites, there is too much of it! And really trully honestly I agree. However, Facebook has done an outstanding job, in my opinion, of making the advertising on their site not only bearable, but to a point where it enhances my Facebook experience. Let me first tell you a little bit about... [read more]