Back to the Navy BDCP application
So last time I wrote about starting up my BDCP application, nothing else happened. I never got any calls about setting up interviews to get some better letters of recommendation, nor did I really have any updates to my application package. On Monday, however, my phone rang, and it was my recruiter telling me that he just received a memo that there is a request for more Information Warfare officers, exactly what I was going... [read more]
Twitter, SalesForce, and the Users
I came across this article while scouring my morning news. It talks about the new offering from SalesForce through Twitter. Let me summarize: Basically, SalesForce enables companies to find Twitter users that are talking about their product. This then, through the basic functionality of Twitter, then allows them to send comments through @ replies to the Twitter user, connecting company and user potentially immediately. PCWorld gives the example that, say you are using a piece... [read more]
My iPhone took a bath
Yes, I know. You just read the title to this post and you gave a shudder. Well let me ruin the ending for you now, and say, my iPhone has fortunately returned to its normal self, and has climbed a few rungs of respect in my book. Yesterday, after returning from scuba diving down at the Scuba Shack, I was carrying a tub upstairs that had our still moist buoyancy compensators upstairs from the car.... [read more]
Saving the Planet
I have had this discussion with friends on multiple occasions, and I had never written about it! The topic? Balancing lifestyle with living green. I am all about living green… whatever that really does mean, I’m not sure any one person could give a complete and accurate definition that all would agree upon. However, I am also all about living comfortably in society and experiencing technology. In some fashions this can be a very contradicting... [read more]
What are they advertising?
American Apparel ads are always a little bit goofy. The images shown are of what I would consider the stereotype, artistic people. You know, those folks that like to dress a little differently. I have nothing against American Apparel. In fact, I really like the way their tshirts fit me. Whenever I order a shirt from shirt.woot.com, I am typically happy when it arrives. I came across this ad today while reading some news: [caption... [read more]
Mystery•Sound Podcast
I just released the first episode of my first ever podcast… Mystery•Sound Podcast! Mystery•Sound Podcast is a short, weekly, audio podcast that will play a sound. This sound could be anything! Maybe it is nails on a chalkboard, the keys of a computer clicking, deck of cards being shuffled, … Here’s how this works. Every Monday morning @ 6:00 AM (EST) when the podcast is released, you can download the podcast through your favorite podcast... [read more]
No Consequence Predictions
I think everyone in Cincinnati, Ohio should prepare themselves for disaster. I predict that tomorrow, February 9th, 2009, an asteroid may come blazing from the heavens and plant itself right on Fountain Square. You have been warned. Nonsense, yeah? I hate how people of influence, mainly political, make no consequence predictions. This is a prediction where if you are wrong, so what? Let’s take for example a few days ago when our just recent Vice-President,... [read more]
Saving the world, take me out to the ball game
Call up Miss America, I have the solution to world peace. Two words: The Wave Now there is not a single person out there on the interwebs that is going to be able to convince me that the wave would not create world peace. Think about it. You are at a baseball game, both teams have fans in the stands, yelling and screaming, chearing their own team and cursing the other. And then some guy... [read more]
Blogging on Cincinnati.com
No real need to post this here, but thought I would just share more as an FYI. I have started a blog over on Cincinnati.com which will basically be a repost of selected entries on this site (/blog). My reasons for doing this, are the same reasons why people sell items on Amazon instead of selling from their own personal website, more traffic flow. I love to write, and would love to share my blog... [read more]
House Trained by God
Why is it that the church always belittles our end of our relationship with God? I was always taught that we were created in God’s image and that God created man for companionship. After creating Adam in the Garden of Eden from dust, and creating a companion for Adam, Eve, from his rib, what did God do? He walked with them through the Garden, companionship. So where is this all coming from? Yesterday, I was... [read more]