Workplace Waltz
At work, I am not sure how it is even possible, but the corners of the walls between hallways seem to be especially sharp 90 degree turns. Now usually I wouldn’t imagine this being much of an issue. In fact, it gives nice and clean definition between hallways. But it is a whole new world when carrying a cup of coffee. First off, I have trouble carrying cups of coffee while walking in a straight... [read more]
Skydiving AFF Cat A
On to my next big adventure! Melissa and I went out to Lebanon / Warren County Airport early yesterday (May 24th) morning for a day of learning about skydiving and making our first jumps. We have both wanted to skydive for a long time, so what better time than now to give a go! Well holy smokes it was amazing! We spent from 8am to 1pm in the classroom and outside practicing procedures before actually... [read more]
Sarah Palin is writing her memoirs
At first I was only going to give my thoughts to this news of Sarah Palin writing her memoirs through a tweet, but I quickly realized that I couldn’t just use 140 characters. So yeah, apparently Palin has apparently signed with HarperCollins to tell her’s and Alaska’s story. Oh, and guess what… HarperCollins just happens to be owned by Rupert Murdoch, surprise surprise…. grrrrrrr Anyways - When the word memoirs comes up, I always think... [read more]
Who Doesn't Use Google?
Back in the middle school when I first learned about the Internet, I remember the teacher telling us about search engines. We were assigned to look something up using a search engine. I don’t remember what the information was or which search engine it happened to be. But I do remember quickly finding Dogpile to be my favorite search engine. I don’t know if it was because of the name, or I actually thought I... [read more]
Posting Links on Twitter
I have found that most of my favorite Tweets on Twitter are not mentioning what people are doing at the moment, but providing a link to something they enjoyed or thought fascinating. I do a little bit of everything with my Twitter account (http://www.twitter.com/Pwlk). Sometimes I’ll put up a random thought, sometimes a link to a website/news article, and yes, I will even post the occasional, is going __ . Something has caught my attention... [read more]
Universal Google Identity
I absolutely love Google. When I get to work in the morning, no kidding, the first things that open in my FireFox web browser are… Google Finance Google News Gmail And soon after there is sure to be a Google search that occurs. What I want to discuss, more specifically, is Google News. My favorite thing about Google News is the amount of information provided in one place. On the front page I have my... [read more]
Take Your Daughters and Sons to Work Day
Yesterday was “take your child to work day” at Kroger corporate. This meant there were about 80 2nd through high school kids running around my building with more energy than I thought the Sun had to offer. But you know what made it even more entertaining? I was in charge of leading around a number of these little balls of energy! I had a group of 16 (8 of which showed up) 2nd to 4th... [read more]
Scuba Open Water Certification Trip
What a trip! So much fun going down to West Palm Beach, Florida with Melissa and completing our Scuba certification with Bill Crumbaugh from Pura Vida Divers. Day 1 (4/16/2009): CVG to PBI Everything went as expected with regards to travel until we were in West Palm Beach ready to pick up our Toyota Yaris rental car from Budget. I had been told over the phone that if I used a debit card, I would... [read more]
The Navy Waiting Game: Take 2
All the papers are updated, signed, dated, and sent off to Tennessee. Finally! Since it had been over a year since my last application for BDCP/OCS, a lot of my papers had to be updated. Mostly it was just updating current address for contacts, but it all takes time. Another time filler was completing my new Degree Completion Plan. I only had a few quarters to fill out in the DCP, which made it nice,... [read more]
Ready to Scuba!
We are now one week away from leaving for West Palm Beach, Florida where Melissa and I will dive with The Scuba Club to finish up our open water scuba certification. We are very excited! I have been looking at the weather forecast for now and in the days we will be there, and as long as the long term forecast is somewhat accurate, I think we will have perfect days. Nice and sunny, with... [read more]