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Jason Pawlak

Me and my Internet

Husband, Dad, Navy Officer, Coder, and Tinkerer. I have many interests and am always looking to learn something new. This site is a launching point to the many areas of the Internet that represent me.

  1. Final Select

    I got the phone call I’ve been waiting so long for today! My Final Select letter has arrived and everything is squared away for me to swear in to the United States Navy! There hasn’t been any posts since my Professionally Recommended post, and that has been on purpose. There hasn’t really been too much to report without me sounding too whiny, haha. Over the past four months, since my pro-rec, I have been in... [read more]

  2. The Perfect 1.5 Miles

    I moved into a new apartment complex not long ago and finally got out on the neighborhood streets (see embeded Google Map at the end of the post) today for a quick run.  It was fantastic.  I love this new neighborhood! I found a nice 1.5 mile path that took me around a few cul-de-sacs and stayed off main streets.  The weather was perfect for running, mid to low 60’s, not really much breeze and... [read more]

  3. Maturity Points

    This morning I heard this story on NPR local news (WVXU) about Ohio Governor, Ted Strickland “backtracking on what had been a controversial point in his plan to allow slot machines at Ohio’s seven horseracing tracks”.  The case is that Strickland now believes that the minimum age for a person to use slot machines at a race track should be 21 and not 18.  Prior to this change, Governor Strickland had argued that if someone... [read more]

  4. iPod Touch Gaming Machine

    Today I read this article written by an apparently easily offended Matt Pecham who likes to make connections that don’t really exist. Let me explain… In his PCWorld article he quotes Phil Schiller as saying: “When [the DS and PSP] came out, they seemed so cool. But once you play a game on the iPod touch, you think ‘hey, these things aren’t so cool any more’.”  He then connects this to his own statement: “Does... [read more]

  5. The Future of 'Rock Band'

    While perusing the headlines on Google News, I came across the following headline: “Life After The Beatles: What Is The Future Of ‘Rock Band’?“  Now, honestly, I haven’t even read the article, but the headline did catch my attention. While listening to ‘Morning Edition’ on the way to work, there was lots of talk about how kids these days are listening to music that you would typically expect a mid 40’s or 50’s adult to... [read more]

  6. Some thoughtful thoughts

    A friend forwarded me some thoughts which were really too funny to pass up. There were a few gems in the bunch that I thought I would share: Have you ever been walking down the street and realized that you’re going in the complete opposite direction of where you are supposed to be going? But instead of just turning a 180 and walking back in the direction from which you came, you have to first... [read more]

  7. The Proposal

    Earlier in the week… I sent Melissa the following text message on August 17, 2009: “We have a date night this upcoming weekend … I hope you are ready :-D” Little did she know the importance of the date that I was planning. Earlier in the day… The morning of August 22, 2009, the two of us were supposed to go skydiving and hang around the drop zone for a good part of the day,... [read more]

  8. I feel the love (sarcasm)

    Never have I felt so much love … so much compassion … so much care for my well being as I have this morning. cough cough … You see, last week I was in a car accident.  Nothing major (no worries, my fingers are still intact to keep writing blog entries!).  I was driving down a neighborhood street where cars parallel park on the side of the road.  While passing by, a little Geo decides... [read more]

  9. Rank

    I found the site: and decided to check my website’s rank (via Alexa ranking).  We made top 15M!  They gave me a neat banner to share my joy with everyone. This Site Ranks 13,126,790 In the ENTIRE world! This made me curious as to whether or not I could find a website that was ranked less than mine (but a real site and within the ranks of this system).  Here are the results of... [read more]

  10. Work Week Haiku

    Here are a few haiku that I have been writing throughout the week. Monday: Sitting at my desk / Not quite sure how I got here / It must be Monday Tuesday: The week is still young / The weekend scent is fading / Today is Tuesday Wednesday: Middle of the week / Two days gone, two days to go / Ready, set, Wednesday! Thursday: Office mood has changed / Payday and a light ahead... [read more]