Network Security Class
So I’m taking a class called, “Network Security.” The first assignment was to send our professor two emails, one containing the word “devolution” and the second containing the word “fallow” during the hours of 00:00 and 23:59, yesterday. The project has a simple explanation, intercept all emails and create a spreadsheet telling the professor at what time each student in the class sent him an email with one of those two keywords. The first email... [read more]
What to name our dog?
Melissa and I are increasing the size of our family by +1. We are very excited to introduce to you: _______! That’s right, we don’t have a name yet! I will post a picture of our new puppy (2 year old, female, mix, but seems to be some german shepherd in her face) below and we want you to visit our survey monkey survey and let us know what name you like the most, second... [read more]
Book Review: Lone Survivor
Last night, I finished Marcus Luttrell and Partrick Robinson’s book, “Lone Survivor”. It was rather interesting. Marcus Luttrell is a Navy SEAL that during Operation Redwing was as the title says (and not giving away much of the story) the lone survivor. Overall, it was a very quick read. The book reads in a very personal fashion from Luttrell’s perspective. He makes no attempt to hide his opinions about politics, news corporations, nor how awesome... [read more]
Christian Spammer
You know how you sometimes get urgent letters from the chancellor of Nigeria’s brother’s second cousin’s financial adviser saying that if you wire $10 to some remote location to help the Prince’s dog get a rabies shot they will repay you with 1 bazillion dollars? Well recently I got an email from a “man” named Michael Dale. Let me tell you a little bit about Michael Dale. Well actually, let me quote his email and... [read more]
Battery Life Management
Today while sitting in class I was thinking about the different ways that I prolong my battery life on my MacBook. These ways basically come down to the brightness of my screen and what I am doing on my computer. If I am on YouTube or some other Flash intensive sites, my battery will die very quickly. Flash sucks. But if I limit the amount of Flash use in conjunction with limiting the brightness of... [read more]
Steven Curtis Chapman - I Will Be Here
Recently I have been playing a lot of guitar. It was my first purchase after receiving my first paycheck from the Navy. I am by no means fantastic at it, but I love learning new songs. I have always known a few chords and plucked around on my dad’s guitar, but since having my own, I have taken more of a liking to finger picking. I don’t have the finger nails for the real nice... [read more]
How to block FarmVille on Facebook
I won’t bore you with my rants on how silly I think the FarmVille application on Facebook is because you undoubtedly found this post while looking for a way to block the application. (Side note: This method mentioned here works for any Facebook application actually, not just FarmVille) So here is how it works: Visit the FarmVille homepage on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=102452128776 Under the FarmVille logo image on the top left of the page, you will... [read more]
Lasik: few weeks after
I had another follow-up appointment at LasikPlus today. This appointment took about 5 or 10 minutes and brought forth no issues. The doctor asked if everything has been feeling “normal”, which it has. I did tell him that I have been using the artificial tears at times, which he said is normal, especially during the winter months. I read the chart again at 20/15 and he shined the lights in my eyes to check them... [read more]
Year of change
Quite the year 2010 promises to be! March I get married June I graduate from college August I report to Officer Candidate School for the Navy in Newport, Rhode Island And then depending on the needs of the Navy, I’ll either end the year with some time in Cincinnati or spend some time at Information Warfare Basic Class in Pensacola, Florida There are two types of change occurring this year. One of exciting uncertainty and... [read more]
A pyramid scheme that just might work!
You know how pyramid schemes work, right? A single person starts the “company” and recruits others to join the “company”. The way you join this company is you pay an enrollment fee. Then your only job is to recruit more people to said company. When person A recruits person B and C, the enrollment fees from B and C are split between person A and whoever recruited A. When you visualize the hierarchy, it kind of... [read more]