One Big Social Network
The Internet is rather popular. Well duh… What is interesting about the Internet being so popular is how people interact while on the Internet. There is this huge concept of social networks on the Internet. Facebook, Linkedin, Myspace … Today I came across a tweet from Google introducing their new +1 button. It basically sounds a lot like the Facebook “Like” button. You click +1 on webpages and when your connected friends search for similar... [read more]
Dice Game Simulation
The other day I played a dice game with the in-laws. Here’s the basics: You start with five dice. Give a roll and see what you have. If you have any 5’s or 2’s you take out the dice that have the 5’s or 2’s and roll again (you get a zero for that round). If you roll and do not have any 5’s or 2’s, you add up all the dice and roll again.... [read more]
Get some Goofy
YouTube is pretty awesome. These clips really do not need too much explanation. I don’t know how many years it has been since I watched them on VHS, but thank you YouTube for letting me find them again! And this one here, I don’t actually recall ever seeing before, but in Navy spirit, wanted to post it. [read more]
Facebook Profile Picture Collage
With the way Facebook arranges pictures in albums, I thought it would be fun to take a single image and break it up into 16 frames, 4x4, and make a collage in a Facebook album. I decided to go with the profile picture album to show it off a little bit. On the most recent (top right) frame of the picture I wrote a little message, “Do you know what this is a picture of?... [read more]
Hotel Living
You know, hotel living isn’t all too bad. It has it’s perks. But it is also tough to call it home. We have had a few ups and downs of hotel living since we’ve been in San Antonio for about 18 days now. The room is nice, split up between bedroom/family room/kitchen/bathroom/walk-in closet. Much better than having just one big open space. Each of those listed spaces is very small, but it works. I think... [read more]
Photos in iMovie Trailers
I decided to play around with the iMovie 11 and its new Trailers templates. The family and I had gone out Ice Skating earlier in the evening and I thought it would be fun to put together a little video trailer from pictures and video we took while at the rink. Much to my surprise it seems as though iMovie Trailers do not allow photos to be used as clips. Well poo to that! I... [read more]
Urban Active Fitness, are you serious?
Urban Active Website: http://www.urbanactive.com/trainerfinder/websites/60092/home/index.html BBB on Urban Active: http://www.bbb.org/centralohio/business-reviews/health-clubs/urban-active-fitness-in-columbus-oh-70011953 Before heading off to OCS, I knew I needed help getting into the best shape possible. I went over to Urban Active and signed up for a membership with some personal training. I signed a year contract and they showed me in writing where it says that the contract can be cancelled when my military orders took me away from home. All was good. The gym... [read more]
Introducing Mrs. Frosty
I went outside this morning to shovel the driveway. Instead I got sidetracked by the first good packing snow of the season. We have had a few flurries that brought quite a bit of snow, but mostly too powdery. The warmer weather (around 32ºF) made it wet and nice for packing. So I decided to build a snowman. Well, a snow-woman. It wasn’t till I had the three balls of snow stacked that I decided... [read more]
Cyberduck, where have you been all my life?
Ran across a really awesome (open source) file transfer client for my mac (available for windows too) today. It is called Cyberduck. And oh-my-goodness where has Cyberduck been my whole life? It is perfect! When working at Kroger, I would use some program that I can not remember the name of to edit files directly through my FTP connection. I tell it which file I want to edit, it downloads it, opens it with my... [read more]
Toshimote - iPhone remote for Linux media server
Welcome to Toshimote! Toshimote is a web application that I developed for use with an Ubuntu media server I have hooked up to my television. I was tired of using VNC to do something as simple as pause a video and Toshimote is the result. If you would like to make visit my static apps page on Toshimote, head over to: /apps/toshimote AND click here to view a hands on (non-working) demo of the site... [read more]