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Jason Pawlak

Me and my Internet

Husband, Dad, Navy Officer, Coder, and Tinkerer. I have many interests and am always looking to learn something new. This site is a launching point to the many areas of the Internet that represent me.

  1. Habitual Leadership

    The Internet tells me that it takes about 21 days (or 21 actions) to create a habit. Can we become better leaders (and better members of society) by keeping ourselves accountable by checkboxing leadership traits? Let’s find out. Below is a table with each of the 14 leadership traits the Navy wants its leaders to embrace. Print it out and check a box when you recognize your own action as meeting the description of one... [read more]

  2. Navy Women in 1917

    The last few days of This Day in US Navy History had an interesting theme among some of the bullets: Women. On 21March1917, Loretta Walsh became the first female Navy Petty Officer when she was sworn in as a Chief Yeoman (link).  She was also the first woman allowed to serve in any of the US Armed Forces as anything but a Nurse (link). On 19March1917, the Navy Department authorized enrollment of women in the... [read more]

  3. Wikify your paragraph

    Recently I started a US Navy History blog that is (so far) doing nothing except re-posting what is found on the “this day in history” page of  I did this for a couple reasons.  The first reason was that they don’t have an RSS feed over there that I can subscribe to.  The second reason is that I wanted to add to the usability of the article.  To do this, I wanted to insert... [read more]

  4. E-Libraries

    What are libraries doing in this age of electronic and i-everything?  It looks like they are keeping up! While I do not know the behind the scenes legalities that the libraries are working with the publishers, I really do like the results.  Libraries have lists of books that can be ‘checked out’ onto your Kindle/iPhone/iPad/Mac/PC/etc…  You check them out for a certain amount of time and then they are automatically returned. It is as simple... [read more]

  5. Happy 5th Birthday

    The day almost passed without me realizing that it is the birthday of this blog.  March 10, 2007 I started not my first blog, but this blog.  It has changed domains over the last few years, the types of posts have changed as well, but a full archive of all the posts is still up and available. Over the years I have used this blog mostly as a personal journal.  Sure there are posts that... [read more]

  6. Decent Men

    Here’s another excerpt from Viktor E. Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning (amazon): From all this we may learn that there are two races of men in this world, but only these two--the "race" of the decent man and the "race" of the indecent man.  Both are found everywhere; they penetrate into all groups of society.  No group consists entirely of decent or indecent people.  In this sense, no group is of "pure race"--and therefore one occasionally found a... [read more]

  7. Mustache March Haiku

    One change I would like to make to my blog is to write more with fewer words.  What better way to kick this off than with a Haiku! Say goodbye top lip Thirty-one mornings no blade Happy Mustache March! [read more]

  8. Man's Purpose

    Knowing that you have value and add value to everyday situations whether in your professional or personal life is one of the most important motivator.  Hearing your alarm clock in the morning and getting your feet on the ground is much simpler when you know that you have purpose to do so. I have been reading Viktor E. Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning (amazon) which is the author’s story from his perspective as a psychiatrist in... [read more]

  9. Finding Time

    I am amazed every day in many different ways by the people with whom I work.  They are some of the brightest, most intelligent and efficient people I have ever met.  How some people can accomplish so much in a single day is beyond me … but I want to learn! With a growing family and a job that I love, it is very easy for 24 hours to go by in just a few... [read more]

  10. Smart Player Piano

    Intro Two years ago (Spring 2010) I was working on my Senior Design Project for the Tech Expo at Duke Energy Convention Center.  My project was titled, “Smart Player Piano”.  The whole project and experience was very rewarding a lot of fun.  It wasn’t until a couple days ago when I received an email from someone at the University of Cincinnati saying they saw a copy of my poster hanging up, that I realized I... [read more]