Hotel Baby
Ok, right off the get go let’s make sure the title didn’t falsely lead you into thinking you were about to read about an Austin Powers-esque love for living in hotels… not so much. Babies coexisting with adults in hotels… yeah. A few weeks back the family and I were traveling and staying the night in hotels. Our little one, E, that just turned the big 1 was not too excited about sleeping in a... [read more]
New Account within Existing Account on Mint Not Updating
I really like Mint. They provide a great service for me and my family, and they are free! So with free I guess I can’t complain too much. However…….. One of my biggest complaints concerns is the reliability of accounts being updated. Months back account balances would fail to update quite often. Thankfully many of these problems have fallen to the side. My latest problem, however, is somewhat related. The balances in the account update, but... [read more]
Scrum Values Overview
[ refer to post: ‘I am the Scrum Master’ for index of all Scrum posts ] There are five words that speak clearly to the values of Scrum Focus Courage Openness Commitment Respect Really these are five great values to live most of your life by … but we can talk more about that at a later date! Let’s break these out: Focus One of my favorite aspects of the Scrum process is how clearly... [read more]
51% Solution
In response to “Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda, Did…” In the above linked blog post, the concept of a 51% solution is brought up: I am a big fan of making informed decisions, embracing the 51% solution, committing to action, and collaboratively addressing the remaining 49% during execution. Those who prefer the 100% solution before taking action continue to hold the rest of the team back. The idea made stop and think about what a 51% solution really... [read more]
I am the Scrum Master
I recently took over the role as Scrum Master with my software development shop. This is an exciting transition for me as I feel that I will be able to make a great positive impact in the overall productivity of my team more so than I ever was able to knee deep in code. For those that don’t know, Scrum is an Agile software development methodology that focuses on an iterative and incremental concept for... [read more]
Secret underground military bunker filled with history
[caption id=”attachment_914” align=”aligncenter” width=”490” caption=”via defensetech.org”][/caption] This is every kid's dream. It sure is! The title is enough to wet anyone’s appetite for adventure. Cue imagination and hold on tight, this real life secret underground military bunker was stumbled upon in France. Now for the best part. Not only are you having a blast pretending to be Indiana Jones exploring a once-secret military bunker, you come across abandoned military equipment! You first come across a... [read more]
I never had a problem with my name, there are just a few words that always throw me for a loop no matter how often I hear them. For starters, in Middle/High School math classes, anytime the term ‘adjacent’ was used, regardless whether or not I was actually paying attention, my head would turn. And working in Software Development, JSON is a favorite. And yes, there’s an app Dilbert for that… (via Dilbert) [read more]
Highly-trained, capable and ready ... people
This good nugget came out in my feeds over the last few days and thought it worth sharing. Everyone can use consistent reminders that the highest level of productivity does not come without some good R&R. Make no mistake, the Sailors and Marines of the USS Enterprise are highly-trained, capable and ready professionals…but they are also people…people who appreciate approval and recognition. They succeed not only because of their technical and professional ability but also... [read more]
Music is...
I’m no stranger to music. I have spent many afternoons, mornings and nights making, listening, and celebrating music. Music is… … not constrained to three dimensions … unique to each set of ears … expression … part of your identity … an art … free … what you want it to be … culture … stimulating … relaxing … refreshing … good Check out this video: [read more]
The beginnings of the US Navy: John Adams
In 1775 the Continental Congress while assembled in Philadelphia, charged seven members of a “Marine Committee” the task of standing up a navy. John Adams of Massachusetts was one of the seven. And he along with the other six were all perfectly unaware of how to organize a new navy. _Excerpt from a letter from John Adams to Elbridge Gerry (future Vice President to James Madison)_ It is very odd that, I, who have Spent my Days... [read more]