Hold that elevator...
Do you have a particular side of the elevator that you like to stand upon entering if afforded the opportunity? I do. It isn’t the necessarily the front side, back side, left or right side. You see, I have found that most elevators are situated in such a way that the majority of traffic to the elevator comes from just a single direction. And that direction, my friends, is the side that is my favorite... [read more]
Spaghetti Blessings
Last night I finished off a box of spaghetti… and it was exciting! Now sure, I like any other red blooded man like to to see things completed. Whether it’s a project around the house, a piece of software I’m writing, or emptying out a box of noodles… for some reason there is quite a sense of satisfaction! That said… that is not really the main reason I’m excited about finishing off this box of... [read more]
Sharing Umbrellas
It was a very rainy morning… and I had no umbrella. While walking in to work, however, I noticed that most everyone else did have an umbrella. It got me thinking… Would it be awkward if I walked behind someone close enough that I was being shielded from the rain by their umbrella? I mean of course it would be weird if I asked some random stranger if I could walk under their umbrella with them,... [read more]
Naval Academy Visit
Yesterday I took full advantage of a day off of work and an absolutely beautiful Autumn day in Maryland to go visit the United States Naval Academy. I had never been there before but of course had heard lots about it so was pretty excited to go get the tour. First off, Annapolis is a great little town, or at least the parts that I walked and drove through. Really though… who doesn’t love giant... [read more]
iOS App Team Composition
As you can tell I am very excited about the new screen size on the iPhone 5! </sarcasm> [read more]
Must... post...
Here’s the short and simple scenario: Something happens and you think… “Ooh! How am I going to word this in a Facebook post?” Don’t play like you don’t know what I’m talking about… I know you’ve thought that more than once. You then spend the next few seconds or minutes thinking about the cleverest way to phrase your latest encounter with reality on your digital footprint. Bloggers are the same way. It just so happens... [read more]
Daddy/Daughter FaceTime
One of my favorite things to do when I’m away from the family is to video chat. Generally at least once a day we’ll load up FaceTime or Skype; Wife and I will chat while Little Lady plays with toys. Recently, Little Lady has taken a liking to carrying me and my vehicle of a phone around with her wherever she’s walking at the moment. I love having the ability to ‘hang out’ with her even while... [read more]
Kid 4ever!
Kids are awesome. Given the choice of small talk with adults or playing on the ground with some little ones, I’ll choose the latter nearly every time. Maybe it has to do with my amazing ability to make any conversation awkward, but the kids just don’t care! When you run out of things to talk about with a kid you just make a goofy face and try to tickle them … with adults (and I’m... [read more]
Before college I never really had any tv shows that I subscribed to religiously … well, I take that back … back in 1995, my older brother and I made a pact that neither one of us would ever miss an episode of Wishbone. Really though, of course we had shows that we liked to watch like Home Improvement and the sitcoms of TGIF, but it wasn’t till college that I had shows that I... [read more]