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Jason Pawlak

Me and my Internet

Husband, Dad, Navy Officer, Coder, and Tinkerer. I have many interests and am always looking to learn something new. This site is a launching point to the many areas of the Internet that represent me.

Daddy/Daughter FaceTime

One of my favorite things to do when I’m away from the family is to video chat.  Generally at least once a day we’ll load up FaceTime or Skype; Wife and I will chat while Little Lady plays with toys.  Recently, Little Lady has taken a liking to carrying me and my vehicle of a phone around with her wherever she’s walking at the moment.  I love having the ability to ‘hang out’ with her even while hundreds or thousands of miles away.  And to make it even better when the video first shows up on the screen and she sees my face she dances and coo’s with much excitement making my heart grow two or three sizes.

There is a problem, though.  I know this must be an accident because my sweet Little Lady would never do this to her loving Daddy… but she sure hangs up on me a lot.  That little one-year-old hand fits perfectly on the bottom of the phone, fingers curling around the slick edges of the iPhone, positioned just right so that her fingers grasp the “End Call” button.  The position of that specific button could not have been accidental.  There must have been a wealthy group of Apple stakeholders all with abnormally tiny hands and all that hated using FaceTime that all got invited to a private preview to beta test of the new iPhone design.  I’m convinced…

But in all seriousness, this issue is quite frustrating.  We don’t have any real easy and good solutions at this time, so feel free to speak up if you’ve fought this battle and won previously.

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