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Jason Pawlak

Me and my Internet

Husband, Dad, Navy Officer, Coder, and Tinkerer. I have many interests and am always looking to learn something new. This site is a launching point to the many areas of the Internet that represent me.

A note of appreciation

Yesterday’s lesson was definitely a no go.

First off, we were planning on just working on maneuvers, and winds were at 18 knots, gusting to 26 knots… those would have been rather difficult turns around a point. And on top of that we pushed over 90 degrees yesterday with lots of humidity… which means a high density altitude. I think the DA was at 3,900 feet when I phoned the ATIS before the lesson. We would have been at cruising altitude while on the runway! That little skipper would have been in sorry shape yesterday. So no lesson, no worries though.

Next I would like to say wow and give a huge thanks to everyone who visited my blog and sent comments my way. There’s nothing like notes of assurance and confidence when you are in a new endeavor.

For those that don’t know, I posted a link to my post yesterday (with other links to my blog) in the AOPA forum yesterday. I figured it was quite the quirky lesson that others would enjoy reading about (I do apologize for the length… but too much to talk about)

Anyway, I just wanted to give a thanks out there and let y’all know I appreciate the support!

Later, have a good weekend!

PS> I just added a new module on the right side bar. I added a list of blog that I keep up with daily (or at least do my best to). If you are in a feed and see no right bar… well visit my blog and check it out. If you want me to check out your blog, send me a note with the address!

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